Notice of Resale/Cancellation of Treasury Shares - Immediate Announcement

BackDec 02, 2013
Date of transaction 02/12/2013
Currency Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Total number of treasury shares sold (units) 475,000 
Total number of treasury shares cancelled (units)  
Minimum price paid for each share sold ($$) 2.600 
Maximum price paid for each share sold ($$) 2.650 
Total amount received for treasury shares sold ($$) 1,239,227.50 
Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as at to-date (units)
Adjusted issued capital after cancellation/resale
(no. of shares) (units)


Announcement Info

Stock Name PRESBHD    
Date Announced 2 Dec 2013  
Category Notice of Resale/Cancellation of Treasury Shares - Immediate Announcement
Reference No CS-131202-57E6F